5 Things · · 3 min read

How to *actually* be cozy

How to *actually* be cozy
Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust / Unsplash

Welcome to ‘5 things’, a monthly round-up ‘sletter created with the purpose of hopefully introducing you to some cool new things. Whether newly discovered or tried and true—I share 5 things with you each month that really caught my attention.

Cozy. That’s all I really want to be these days. Cozy. Warm. Dry. The major theme of my life right now is comfort.

I always jokingly say that I am not a cold weather girl, but truly I have to try everything just to not feel miserable in the colder months. Canadians will probably read this and laugh because “it’s only 7 degrees (celcius) Angel! It’s not even that cold!” But I’m writing this sitting in my office with the heat on, wearing wool socks, a sweater, and a jacket and my hands are still ice cold.

Naturally, this issue of our 5 Things newsletter features things that are currently bringing me comfort. So if you also experience SAD (the emotion and the disorder) or just get grumpy when it’s cold and wet out, I hope some of these things brighten your day.

The nicest silk jammies. I used to always just sleep in any oversized t-shirt that was easiest to pull out of my closet. While I was in Europe I decided to treat myself to silk jammies and honestly I can’t go back. There’s something about wearing beautiful (and comfortable) pajamas that makes climbing into bed 10x more satisfying.

An affordable fall candle. Do I wish I could fill my home with Dyptique and Le Labo candles? Yes. Can I afford it? No. So I shopped the Bath and Body Works sale and honestly rediscovered my love for some of these scents. Specifically I’ve been burning Marshmallow Fireside in the office on cold mornings.

The perfume that makes me feel warm. My obsession with niche perfumes continues! I bought this one while in Italy and it’s been what I reach for the most. I love contrasting a baggy, tomboy femme outfit with a warm, sensuous scent and this is perfect for that. Maybe I can’t afford fancy candles cause I blew my shopping budget on perfumes 🙃

My favourite tool for scrapbooking. I would mention my Paper Republic journal in every issue of 5 Things if I could, that’s how much I stand by their journals. But to switch it up, here’s another tool that I’ve really been enjoying for journaling and scrapbooking. I’ve always loved Instax photos but hated carrying around their clunky cameras so being able to print out any photo on Instax film is a dream.

The blanket that lives permanently on my couch. I was also a skeptic when it came to weighted blankets but having one on my couch has made it infinitely more cozy. There’s something undeniably comfortable about having some weight on you. I love this one because the knit pattern also helps you regulate your temperature. Great gift option too for the holidays!

BONUS: A Notion template that actually works. Okay yes this is a self plug but this template has been saving my ass lately while I try to balance creating on so many different platforms. A few friends of mine have started using it for their work as well and have been sending me the sweetest reviews. So yes, I’m super proud of it and I think it deserves a plug.

Interesting Reads

The Words People Write On Their Skin (The Atlantic)

I love tattoo stories even though a lot of mine no longer have meaningful stories. Even so, I can say that each one of my tattoos come from a different stage in my life—a different mindset.

The Collapse of Self-Worth in the Digital Age (The Walrus)

As someone who's only recently gone full-time in the creative industry, this article really captured my fears well. We live in a world where art (and honestly a lot of other careers) are being measured by vanity metrics so where does our perception of self go from there?

You’re reading Sally Rooney Wrong (Leah Beth)

Currently Reading

Hotel Lucky Seven - Kotaro Isaka

Where I End - Sophie White

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